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CRJS - 310 Cybercriminology Foundations

This course’s primary goal is to introduce students to the basic vocabulary and ideas used by cybercriminologists and other social scientists.

Course Overview

This class taught about cybercrime, laws that apply to it, and how these laws can impact aspects of society.  I am very interested in cybercriminology because it combines aspects of psychology, criminal justice, and cybersecurity.  While we learned about cybercrimes from a theory perspective, we also looked at real-world examples.  For a large part of the course assignments, the students were tasked with watching 5 video video lectures from the professor.  In these videos, he discussed a specific cybercrime topic that corresponded to an idea within our course materials.  After each video, we were to write a 1-3 page response with what we learned and what we gained from the information provided.  Topics included Romance Scams, disinformation, online pornography, and others.  The purpose of these assignments was to encourage critical thinking and to see how Cybercriminology connects to current events and society as a whole.  

I learned a lot about cybercrimes and the laws that pertain to them.  Additionally, the video lecture assignments really helped me view topics from other perspectives.  There were times I didn’t agree with the professor’s point of view, but I was able to understand where he was coming from and respectfully disagree.  I believe this helped me gain valuable social skills that can help me work with different kinds of people in my career.  I always strive to be understanding and respectful of everyone, and I think this class helped me grow even more. 

I have included two of these assignments as artifacts of what I learned in this course.  

Course Artifact 1

This artifact is my response to my professor's video lecture - We Need to Rethink Free Speech.  In this video, the professor discussed why he believes more should be done to silence disinformation in this digital age.  

We Need to Rethink Free Speech

Course Artifact 2

This artifact is my response to my professor's video lecture - Do You Really Need a College Degree to Work in Cyber.  In this video, the professor discussed the typical requirements for cybersecurity and criminal justice, and his opinion that college degrees should not always be required for cyber-related professions.  

Do You Really Need a College Degree to Work in Cyber?

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